Why us
- US based RPO firm headquartered in South Dakota with multiple International Delivery Centers
- Reliable and redundancy-enabled infrastructure to ensure business continuity
- Dedicated and experienced recruiters at a fraction of the cost of hiring US based recruiters
- Lower cost per hire to improve your profit margins
- Faster Turn Around Time (TAT) to facilitate better scores in Vendor Management Systems (VMS)
- Zero overhead costs
- Easy to ramp up and ramp down as volume of job orders fluctuate
- Placements and broader coverage on lower margin/less critical job orders where in-house recruiters are too expensive
- Augment and complement our clients onshore recruiting operations
- SEI/CMMI Level 3 certified and ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified
- 24x7 operations with excellent communication channels
- Robust data security mechanism to ensure confidentiality and data security
Our Strengths
- Strong process methodology
- Quick, nimble and quality focused
- Network of global delivery centers
- Large talent pool and process to attract fresh talent
- Assets to deliver the right solutions with a strong measurable ROI